Monday, December 21, 2009

And now for something completely different.

This blog has posted some rather naughty things on it. And plenty of the stuff has been without merit. Well, shame on us for not doing things with a bit more substance from time to time.

With this, we wash the blog clean, and ask you to listen to this amazing rendition of the El Moley Rachamim prayer sung in in memory of fallen IDF soldiers and victims of terror. The chazzan is the remarkable Cantor Helfgott. Can you imagine if you showed up for minyan at your freind's shul, only to have this guy be the Hazzan? Dear Lord, I'd be shattered after 15 minutes.

Turn the speakers up real loud and freak out the neighborhood. The Jews will all have flashbacks to Yom Kippur. It's worth listening to once all the way through, audience noise and bad audio notwithstanding. Of course, I kept thinking "where is that choir coming from?"

And you bet your ass you say "Amen" when he's done.

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